Sunday, July 27, 2014

Local Council elections postponement

The proposal by the Labour government to postpone Local Council elections by five years is wrong and sets a dangerous precedent. It should not go unchallenged.

The Nationalist Party should respond to this democratic defiance by doing what the government does not want to do, that is give a voice to the electorate.

If this proposal goes ahead, the Nationalist Party should find a way to organise an election to elect its own mayors and councillors, once the term of the incumbents expires in March.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Maltese abducted in Libya

Times of Malta, 17 July: “There is no immediate need to evacuate Maltese there, according to Foreign Minister George Vella.”

And today we come to know that on that same day (17 July) a Maltese worker was abducted in Libya. I hope that Mr Galea will soon be returning home.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ilbieraħ fuq TVM

Ilbieraħ kellna l-bidu tas-smiegħ tal-kawża li eks Kummissarju Ewropew Malti fetaħ fil-Qorti Ewropea dwar ir-riżenja/tkeċċija tiegħu. Kif ippjanat xehdu fost oħrajn l-istess eks Kummissarju u l-President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea.

Ilbieraħ ukoll sbaħna bl-aħbar li Skola Sajf u Klabb 3-16 ġew posposti b’ġimgħa. Intlaqtu 10,800 tifel u tifla u l-ġenituri tagħhom.

Għal kull ġurnalist, editur, producer, u preżentatur ta’ programm ta’ ġrajjiet kurrenti żewġ aħbarijiet bħal dawn huma manna mis-sema. Iżda mhux għall-istazzjon nazzjonali Malti.

Ilbieraħ filgħaxija fuq TVM kien imissu jixxandar is-suppost programm ta’ ġrajjiet kurrenti Reporter ta’ Saviour Balzan. Il-programm sar kif skedat iżda l-ebda wieħed minn dawn is-suġġetti ma kien diskuss, lanqas għal minuta waħda.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Today in the European Court of Justice

TVHemm and its presenter (the author of this blog) quoted by Judge Nicholas James Forwood in the European Court of Justice.

Hemm meta tiġri l-istorja!