Sunday, January 18, 2015

Għandhom jiżdiedu l-pagi

"Dawk il-flus li min iħaddem qed jiffranka mir-roħs fil-prodotti taż-żejt, għandu jużahom biex iżid il-pagi tal-ħaddiema.”

Hekk qal ilbieraħ il-Prim Ministru Brittanniku David Cameron.

Intant, hawn Malta għadna ma gawdejna xejn mir-roħs fil-prezz internazzjonali taż-żejt.

Il-petrol u d-diesel tagħna għadhom l-ogħla fl-Ewropa. U minkejja l-ħafna propaganda li ssir dwar il-kontijiet tad-dawl, l-industrija, n-negozji u l-kumpaniji għadhom qed iħallsu r-rati li kien jħallsu qabel l-elezzjoni ġenerali, minkejja r-roħs rekord fil-prezz taż-żejt.

Fejn qed imorru l-flus li Cameron qed jipproponi li jmorru fil-pagi tal-ħaddiema?

Qed iżommhom il-Gvern ta’ Joseph Muscat biex jagħmel tajjeb għall-ispejjeż li qed iżid?

Jew qed imorru għand xi kumpanija taż-żejt li rabatna magħha l-Ministru Konrad Mizzi?


  1. Link għar-rapport ta' Reuters:

  2. This is a prime example of the lack of economic vision of the incompetent PL government and it's predecessors. The key to economic growth is to put more money in people's pockets. This not only stimulates more spending but is also an incentive for the ordinary citzen to save more. Result a better standard of living.

    The PL is still of the opinion in raising revenues, as it thinks it can spend the money better than the average John Smith. I have no doubt in my mind, that the new entity set up with a commercial loan of €80 million to repay is making a whacking profit in selling fuel at such high prices. If not it is a scandal of gigantic proportions in it's policy in procuring fuel.

    There is also another fact that makes me consider. What happened to the owners of petrol stations? During PN administrations they were regularly demanding a higher profit margin on the sale of fuel when the price went up. What happened to result in no demands from the petrol station owners?

    The PL will go down in history as the party with no economic vision, downright waste of public funds. Well done Joe!
