Thursday, August 28, 2014

Release him immediately

Arresting, charging and sending a person to prison, in the meantime ruining his reputation, for allegedly, I quote, “playfully lifting a boy out of the sea and hold him tightly against his body” is simply INSANE.

Each and every minute Mr Callus spends in prison is an INJUSTICE. He should be released IMMEDIATELY. 

This is an INSULT to the real victims of abuse.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Miġnun jekk tipprotesta

Jista’ xi ħadd jgħidli jekk apparti l-Enemalta, il-Gvern Kommunista Ċiniż xtarax xi biċċa minn Kastilja?

U ladarba se tkunu qed tiskomodaw ruħkom, araw issibux lil xi wieħed/waħda minn dawk il-paladini tad-demokrazija li ilhom kważi sena u nofs ibernati, forsi nqajmuhom!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mhux ċuċ Malti

From MaltaToday:

Air Malta is now once again looking for a foreign expert to head the airline’s commercial aspects. According to the airline’s chairwoman, Maria Micallef, it is “extremely difficult” to find Maltese candidates who have the necessary experience.

“It is clear that Air Malta’s management team must enjoy a deep love and understanding of the product they are selling. However, it is extremely difficult to find Maltese candidates who also have the necessary commercial airline experience for such a role,” Micallef said.