Il-President tal-GWU illum qalilna li aħna lkoll "obbligati" nagħlqu
ħalqna u ma nperrċux il-kwistjonijiet politiċi tagħna lil hinn minn
xtutna, biex ma nkomplux nagħmlu "ħsara lil pajjiżna".
Mhux se noqgħod
nispjega għaliex din id-dikjarazzjoni hija oxxena, anti-demokratika,
kontra d-drittijiet fundamentali tal-bniedem u stupidaġni mill-kbar
Se nfakkar biss x'għamlet l-istess GWU fis-sena 2005 meta Malta
kienet qed tospita ċ-CHOGM.
Ikklikja hawn għar-rapport ta' The Times tat-18 ta' Novembru 2005.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Guilty of delivering misleading information
The Head of Government Communication Kurt Farrugia is found guilty of delivering "misleading information aimed at damaging a person’s reputation".
Full report:
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Police should have handled Vella case better - PM
The police should have handled things better in the case of Norman Vella, after he was accused of taking pictures in a restricted airport area, according to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
“I don’t interfere in police investigations but things could have been done better,” Dr Muscat said in an interview with The Sunday Times of Malta.
Asked if he planned to do anything about the matter, after Mr Vella, a former TV presenter, called for an investigation, Dr Muscat said he did not feel it was his place to meddle in police investigations.
Read the full story in The Sunday Times of Malta, the e-paper or on premium here.
The police should have handled things better in the case of Norman Vella, after he was accused of taking pictures in a restricted airport area, according to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
“I don’t interfere in police investigations but things could have been done better,” Dr Muscat said in an interview with The Sunday Times of Malta.
Asked if he planned to do anything about the matter, after Mr Vella, a former TV presenter, called for an investigation, Dr Muscat said he did not feel it was his place to meddle in police investigations.
Read the full story in The Sunday Times of Malta, the e-paper or on premium here.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Norman Vella saga
By Stephen Calleja
Published in The Malta Independent on Sunday
If people are going to be arrested on the flimsy suspicion that they took photos of two government communications officers in the airport’s departure lounge, then I wonder where we’re heading.
There are various points that need clarification and analysis after what former TV presenter Norman Vella had to go through this past week, starting off with his arrest on Sunday.
Published in The Malta Independent on Sunday
If people are going to be arrested on the flimsy suspicion that they took photos of two government communications officers in the airport’s departure lounge, then I wonder where we’re heading.
There are various points that need clarification and analysis after what former TV presenter Norman Vella had to go through this past week, starting off with his arrest on Sunday.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Norman Vella offers to appear on PBS, but no invitation received
In the wake of calls for tonight’s Xarabank’s programme to deal with the Norman Vella arrest last Sunday, Mr Vella has written that since he was part of the team that produced Malta’s most popular programme, his situation should not be discussed there.
Writing on Facebook after the social media was inundated with requests that Xarabank should deal with Mr Vella’s arrest, the former TV presenter said that it is precisely the fact that he worked together with Peppi Azzopardi and the Xarabank team that the programme should not tackle his issue.
But Mr Vella noted that on Monday morning he had informed PBS head of news Reno Bugeja that he and his lawyers Karol Aquilina and Therese Comodini Cachia were prepared to take part in any other programme on PBS.
But, since Monday, no current affairs programme on PBS has made an invitation, Mr Vella said.
PBS, he said, had a daily two-hour current affairs programme in the morning (the breakfast show presented by Pablo Micallef and Norma Saliba) and five hourly programmes before the 8pm news between Monday and Friday (presented by Saviour Balzan, The Times newsroom, Andrew Azzopardi and PBS newsroom).
In the wake of calls for tonight’s Xarabank’s programme to deal with the Norman Vella arrest last Sunday, Mr Vella has written that since he was part of the team that produced Malta’s most popular programme, his situation should not be discussed there.
Writing on Facebook after the social media was inundated with requests that Xarabank should deal with Mr Vella’s arrest, the former TV presenter said that it is precisely the fact that he worked together with Peppi Azzopardi and the Xarabank team that the programme should not tackle his issue.
But Mr Vella noted that on Monday morning he had informed PBS head of news Reno Bugeja that he and his lawyers Karol Aquilina and Therese Comodini Cachia were prepared to take part in any other programme on PBS.
But, since Monday, no current affairs programme on PBS has made an invitation, Mr Vella said.
PBS, he said, had a daily two-hour current affairs programme in the morning (the breakfast show presented by Pablo Micallef and Norma Saliba) and five hourly programmes before the 8pm news between Monday and Friday (presented by Saviour Balzan, The Times newsroom, Andrew Azzopardi and PBS newsroom).
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Fuq Net TV wara l-ogħti tas-sentenza mill-Qorti
Norman Vella u l-avukati Dr Karol Aquilina u Dr Therese Commodini Cachia fil-programm Dot Net tal-lejla wara li l-Qorti tat is-sentenza.
Illejla fil-Parlament
Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Simon Busuttil dwar is-sentenza mogħtija fil-każ Norman Vella.
Norman Vella deposits court judgement at door of Castille
From TIMES OF MALTA.COM, 30 October 2013
Norman Vella this evening said justice had been done when a court declared that there was no reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime at the airport last Sunday.
In a hastily called press conference, Mr Vella deposited the text of the judgement at the front door of the Auberge de Castille and said responsibility had to be assumed for what happened. There had been abuse of power and it was the prime minister's duty to ensure that responsibility was shouldered.
Norman Vella this evening said justice had been done when a court declared that there was no reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime at the airport last Sunday.
In a hastily called press conference, Mr Vella deposited the text of the judgement at the front door of the Auberge de Castille and said responsibility had to be assumed for what happened. There had been abuse of power and it was the prime minister's duty to ensure that responsibility was shouldered.
Wara l-każ Norman Vella: min qiegħed imexxi l-korp?

Li l-Pulizija jinvestigaw suspett ta’ reat hu sewwa. Imma li wara li teżamina l-affarijiet u ma issib xejn tibqa’ tippersisti mhux sempliċi żball iżda abbuż.
Is-sentenza tal-Maġistrat il-lejla illi ma kien hemm l-ebda suspett raġjonevoli li Norman Vella wettaq xi reat hu ċertifikat ċar li l-Pulizija abbużat mill-poteri tagħha.
Huwa inkwetanti li l-Pulizja sa dal-għodu, fi kliem il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, kienu għadhom qed jinvestigaw xi ħaġa li ma kienitx teżisti.
Wara s-sentenza tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati hemm bżonn li l-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jispjega ftit x’ġara. Jeħtieġ li jispjega x’rapporti saru u x’ser jagħmel issa li irriżulta li r-rapporti li l-Pulizija irċeviet mingħand żewġ persuni identifikati kienu rapporti foloz.
Sfortunatament minn dan il-każ jidher ċar li dan m’huwiex każ ta’ inkompetenza imma iktar każ ta’ abbuż.

Il-mistoqsija li tagħha tinħtieġ tweġiba hi: min qiegħed imexxi l-korp fir-realta’? Żgur li mhux Peter Paul Zammit !
Bla dubju l-abbuż ikompli. Prosit Norman.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Norman Vella publishes his statement - Inspector received phone call mentioning Silvio Scerri
A police inspector who was questioning former broadcaster Norman Vella last Sunday received a phone call to which she replied "Silvio Scerri who?" and then added that she only gave information to the Police Commissioner.
The phone call is revealed in the text of the police statement which Mr Vella gave the police. He published a copy today. (The chief of staff at the Ministry of Home Affairs is Silvio Scerri)
A police inspector who was questioning former broadcaster Norman Vella last Sunday received a phone call to which she replied "Silvio Scerri who?" and then added that she only gave information to the Police Commissioner.
The phone call is revealed in the text of the police statement which Mr Vella gave the police. He published a copy today. (The chief of staff at the Ministry of Home Affairs is Silvio Scerri)
Norman Vella, July 2012 – boy, was he RIGHT.
From Daphne Caruana Galizia Running Commentary
Those Labour scum, for scum they indubitably are, invited Vella onto the Fat Controller’s show on Super One only to proceed to insult him and attack him – because being Labour and a total bunch of hamalli (I was never allowed to use that word growing up, but face it, no other one suffices) they think it’s normal to let rip into your guests in your ‘home’ by means of verbal assaults and insults.
Those Labour scum, for scum they indubitably are, invited Vella onto the Fat Controller’s show on Super One only to proceed to insult him and attack him – because being Labour and a total bunch of hamalli (I was never allowed to use that word growing up, but face it, no other one suffices) they think it’s normal to let rip into your guests in your ‘home’ by means of verbal assaults and insults.
‘Who is Silvio Scerri?’ – inspector questioning Norman Vella
From The Malta Independent
While Norman Vella was being questioned by police on Sunday, one of the inspectors received a call which she answered with the words “Who is Silvio Scerri?”, following which she replied that she will not give any information to anyone except to the police commissioner.
This forms part of a statement to the police made and signed by Norman Vella, who last Sunday was held for four hours at the end of his shift as an immigration officer, for allegedly taking photos of the government’s chief communications officer Kurt Farrugia and Home Ministry communications coordinator Ramona Attard at the MIA departure lounge.
In his statement to the police, Mr Vella said that while he was being questioned Inspector M’Stella Attard, in the presence of Inspector Silvio Magro and a police sergeant, received a telephone call which she answered by mentioning Silvio Scerri.
The name mentioned is the same name as that of the chief of staff at the Home Affairs Ministry.
While Norman Vella was being questioned by police on Sunday, one of the inspectors received a call which she answered with the words “Who is Silvio Scerri?”, following which she replied that she will not give any information to anyone except to the police commissioner.
This forms part of a statement to the police made and signed by Norman Vella, who last Sunday was held for four hours at the end of his shift as an immigration officer, for allegedly taking photos of the government’s chief communications officer Kurt Farrugia and Home Ministry communications coordinator Ramona Attard at the MIA departure lounge.
In his statement to the police, Mr Vella said that while he was being questioned Inspector M’Stella Attard, in the presence of Inspector Silvio Magro and a police sergeant, received a telephone call which she answered by mentioning Silvio Scerri.
The name mentioned is the same name as that of the chief of staff at the Home Affairs Ministry.
L-Orizzont: a bunch of liars like their political masters (and mistresses)
From Daphne Caruana Galizia Running Commentary
L-Orizzont has run a story on Norman Vella’s arrest and detention, except that they didn’t call it that.
It includes the outrageous lie that I uploaded on this site a photograph which Norman Vella took, only to delete it ‘ftit wara’.
Total bollocks, like the rest of the newspaper and those who own it and run it – the General Workers Union and their lying Labour friends.
L-Orizzont has run a story on Norman Vella’s arrest and detention, except that they didn’t call it that.
It includes the outrageous lie that I uploaded on this site a photograph which Norman Vella took, only to delete it ‘ftit wara’.
Total bollocks, like the rest of the newspaper and those who own it and run it – the General Workers Union and their lying Labour friends.
Norman Vella arrest: A heavy handed approach
The Malta Independent Leader
Former television presenter Norman Vella is currently in the news after he was questioned by the police at his current place of work, as an immigration officer at the Malta International airport.
The case involves his alleged taking of photographs of two political aides as they travelled to London. The official story is that police officers were watching CCTV footage and saw him apparently take a couple of snaps.
He was subsequently held for four hours of questioning and had his mobile phone and a tablet confiscated. Mr Vella said he cooperated with the police and showed them his phone and the other device. He said the police found no such images. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday said that Mr Vella was not arrested and that he was held for “questioning”.
Former television presenter Norman Vella is currently in the news after he was questioned by the police at his current place of work, as an immigration officer at the Malta International airport.
The case involves his alleged taking of photographs of two political aides as they travelled to London. The official story is that police officers were watching CCTV footage and saw him apparently take a couple of snaps.
He was subsequently held for four hours of questioning and had his mobile phone and a tablet confiscated. Mr Vella said he cooperated with the police and showed them his phone and the other device. He said the police found no such images. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday said that Mr Vella was not arrested and that he was held for “questioning”.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Labour MP in defence of Norman Vella
From The Malta Independent
Labour MP Marlene Farrugia said that abuses such as those perpetrated against former TV presenter Norman Vella should not take place anymore
Writing on her Facebook page, Dr Farrugia said that such abuses were wrong, are wrong and will remain wrong. Nobody should be made to suffer like this, she said, adding that Malta deserves better.
Labour MP Marlene Farrugia said that abuses such as those perpetrated against former TV presenter Norman Vella should not take place anymore
Writing on her Facebook page, Dr Farrugia said that such abuses were wrong, are wrong and will remain wrong. Nobody should be made to suffer like this, she said, adding that Malta deserves better.
PM denies Norman Vella was arrested
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning denied that former TV presenter Norman Vella was arrested yesterday when he was questioned by the police for allegedly taking pictures of two senior government officials as they passed through passport control.
Questioned this morning, Dr Muscat said he did not wish to comment on personal cases, but the information given by the police was that Mr Vella was not arrested, but he was questioned as part of an investigation.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning denied that former TV presenter Norman Vella was arrested yesterday when he was questioned by the police for allegedly taking pictures of two senior government officials as they passed through passport control.
Questioned this morning, Dr Muscat said he did not wish to comment on personal cases, but the information given by the police was that Mr Vella was not arrested, but he was questioned as part of an investigation.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Norman Vella questioned by police, later released
From The Malta Independent, 27 October 2013
Former TV presenter Norman Vella, who is employed at the passports section at Malta International Airport, was held for questioning for four hours this evening at the end of his shift for allegedly taking photos of the government’s chief communications officer Kurt Farrugia at the departure lounge.
Mr Vella has denied the accusation. His mobile phone and tablet were confiscated.
Former TV presenter Norman Vella, who is employed at the passports section at Malta International Airport, was held for questioning for four hours this evening at the end of his shift for allegedly taking photos of the government’s chief communications officer Kurt Farrugia at the departure lounge.
Mr Vella has denied the accusation. His mobile phone and tablet were confiscated.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Muscat threatened to ‘hurt’ former TV host, court hears
Joseph Muscat, as leader of the opposition, had threatened to cause
serious damage to former television presenter Norman Vella if he felt
that the Labour Party was being attacked, Mr Vella claimed yesterday.
Mr Vella made the claim in an application to the Employment Commission alleging political discrimination in the way he was moved from his job at Public Broadcasting Service back to the public service. Mr Vella used to present a talk show called TVHemm. His application was filed against Dr Muscat and the Principal Permanent Secretary.
Mr Vella made the claim in an application to the Employment Commission alleging political discrimination in the way he was moved from his job at Public Broadcasting Service back to the public service. Mr Vella used to present a talk show called TVHemm. His application was filed against Dr Muscat and the Principal Permanent Secretary.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Former TVHemm producer Norman Vella files political discrimination suit against the government
Times of Malta reports:
Mr Vella recalled that when he was production manager for Xarabank, during a meeting with Dr Muscat, then leader of the Opposition, and in the presence of other Labour officials, Dr Muscat had warned him and the presenter that: “For every blow that we feel you are striking the Labour Party, I will strike you twice, with all my strength, under the belt, where it hurts.”
Such a lovely man for prime minister. Never in a million years could you picture Fenech Adami or Gonzi speaking that way. And what sort of man threatens to hit another one below the belt, anyway?
Such scum.
Mr Vella recalled that when he was production manager for Xarabank, during a meeting with Dr Muscat, then leader of the Opposition, and in the presence of other Labour officials, Dr Muscat had warned him and the presenter that: “For every blow that we feel you are striking the Labour Party, I will strike you twice, with all my strength, under the belt, where it hurts.”
Such a lovely man for prime minister. Never in a million years could you picture Fenech Adami or Gonzi speaking that way. And what sort of man threatens to hit another one below the belt, anyway?
Such scum.
Former TVHemm presenter says he and Xarabank presenter were threatened
Norman Vella, the former presenter of TVHemm, has instituted a case
before the Employment Commission against the Prime Minister and the
Principal Permanent Secretary claiming political discrimination in the
way he was re-deployed from PBS.
In his application he noted that there had been no reply to a judicial protest he filed on July 17 when he complained that his deployment from PBS had been revoked.
Mr Vella had been deployed to PBS in August 2012 ‘on grounds of public policy’. He was on unpaid leave, during which time he worked as production manager for programmes which also included Xarabank and Bijografiji.
In his application he noted that there had been no reply to a judicial protest he filed on July 17 when he complained that his deployment from PBS had been revoked.
Mr Vella had been deployed to PBS in August 2012 ‘on grounds of public policy’. He was on unpaid leave, during which time he worked as production manager for programmes which also included Xarabank and Bijografiji.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Iswed fuq l-Abjad - Intervista dwar it-tneħħija mill-PBS
Intervistat minn Frank Psaila fil-programm Iswed fuq l-Abjad fuq Net Television ftit wara li tneħħejt mill-PBS.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Labour MP criticises decision to redeploy Norman Vella
From The Times of Malta
Labour MP Marlene Farrugia has criticised the government's decision to order broadcaster Norman Vella to return to his old post in the Immigration Office.
In a facebook post, the MP said she wants to live in a country where everyone is given the opportunity to use his or her talents without prejudice, whatever the political, religious or sexual orientation,
Norman Vella, she noted, had carried off every journalism award in the country and his programme TVHemm, was the third most viewed.
Independently of whether or not one agreed with what he said or what was said, the fact remained , locking this talent in a glass cubicle stamping passports or simply staring was a wrong decision which cast a shadow on the protagonists which took this decision. The words 'Wrong Decision' and 'Protagonists' were in capital letters.
Labour MP Marlene Farrugia has criticised the government's decision to order broadcaster Norman Vella to return to his old post in the Immigration Office.
In a facebook post, the MP said she wants to live in a country where everyone is given the opportunity to use his or her talents without prejudice, whatever the political, religious or sexual orientation,
Norman Vella, she noted, had carried off every journalism award in the country and his programme TVHemm, was the third most viewed.
Independently of whether or not one agreed with what he said or what was said, the fact remained , locking this talent in a glass cubicle stamping passports or simply staring was a wrong decision which cast a shadow on the protagonists which took this decision. The words 'Wrong Decision' and 'Protagonists' were in capital letters.
Grazzi Marlene
Taqbel u ma taqbilx magħhom, il-politiċi 'ta' vera' huma dawk li kapaċi
jieħdu pożizzjonijiet diffiċli li mhux bilfors jinżlu tajjeb
mal-elettorat... Il-politiċi 'ta' vera' huma dawk li ma joqgħodux
jistaħbew biex jipproteġu dak li jkunu kisbu.
Marlene Farrugia hija waħda minn dawk li jien inħossni kburi li qed tirrappreżentani fil-Parlament Malti. U dan qed ngħidu mhux għax ivvutajtilha jew għax naqbel magħha f'kull ma tgħid u tagħmel.
Grazzi Marlene.... U issa ejja nkomplu nargumentaw, ejja nkomplu nħabbtu l-idejat u ejja nkomplu nirrispettaw lil xulxin kif dejjem għamilna.
Marlene Farrugia hija waħda minn dawk li jien inħossni kburi li qed tirrappreżentani fil-Parlament Malti. U dan qed ngħidu mhux għax ivvutajtilha jew għax naqbel magħha f'kull ma tgħid u tagħmel.
Grazzi Marlene.... U issa ejja nkomplu nargumentaw, ejja nkomplu nħabbtu l-idejat u ejja nkomplu nirrispettaw lil xulxin kif dejjem għamilna.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Għax Malta Taghna Lkoll – the shamelessness of it
Norman Vella, whose magazine-format show TVHemm made for generally interesting viewing every Monday to Friday, has been summarily fired without warning from his show at the state broadcaster and ordered not to report for work as from Monday.
Vella’s show is extremely popular: it gets the third highest audience figures of anything on TVM.
He is not employed directly with the state broadcaster, but is a civil servant who was redeployed there, as clearly his particular gifts are in that field and not in pushing papers at some desk. He is also the creator of the TVM biography show ‘Bijografiji’, which was widely viewed and recently won an award.
In other words, what this boils down to is yet another vindictive transfer, but one with significance for Norman Vella’s large audience and the station he worked for, and not only for him.
Vella told The Malta Independent that the order came directly from the Office of the Prime Minister, and not in a letter but in an email which told him to return to his original government department “on grounds of public policy”. He described the decision as “political”.
You see, this is one other reason I believe Lou Bondi should not have accepted that appointment on the National Festivities Commission: those who sup with the devil need a very long spoon.
A couple of weeks after announcing Lou’s appointment, they stab his long-standing colleague Norman in the back and throat, and in the worst way possible – an email without warning, saying ‘don’t report for work at the station from Monday’.
Put simply, you cannot trust the indecent to be decent. Decency and indecency are neither episodic nor person-and-situation-relevant. They are states of fact. I am not here to give lessons in human nature and psychology, but basically, the beyond-indecent behaviour of Joseph Muscat and those around him, pre and post election, tells us that they are beyond-indecent people.
This means they will behave really badly towards anyone who has to be dispensed with or who gets in their way, with neither scruples nor conscience.
Politics aside, the main reason why it is a very bad idea to work for those who manifest vicious spite and vindictiveness towards those who get in their way is the certain knowledge that when you get in their way it will happen to you too.
People in Lou Bondi’s position (and mine, I suppose) are faced with just three choices: to cooperate with them, remain mistrusted, but take great care to keep them happy; to bow out of the scene and avoid any involvement whatsoever; or, to fight back while saying ‘bring it on and do your worst’.
The Prime Minister personally put Lou on that commission. Now the Prime Minister personally has fired Lou’s friend and colleague, in a reprehensible manner, purely out of political spite because there is no way anyone can suggest that Norman Vella’s skills and talents are best used at a desk in a government department while being lost to television.
I think Lou Bondi only has one course of action before him, really, and he should take it. I know I would. I would rather starve in a gutter than have anything to do with such awful people.
What they’ve just done to Norman they will do to Lou as and when they see fit. I wouldn’t wait around for it to happen. And I certainly wouldn’t be having a smile and a friendly chat with somebody who did that to a friend and close colleague, or taking his calls – yes, even if he is the prime minister.
Norman Vella deployment at PBS revoked
Popular PBS presenter Norman Vella has been ordered not to report for work at the broadcasting station as from Monday.
Contacted by The Malta Independent online, Mr Vella confirmed that he had been notified that his deployment at PBS had been revoked by the Office of the Prime Minister.
Mr Vella confirmed today he received an email from the OPM informing him that he has to return to the department where he was employed before being deployed to PBS “on grounds of public policy”.
Since October, Mr Vella has presented the daily evening programme TVHemm, which has been named as the third most popular programme after Xarabank and the drama F’Salib it-Toroq in two Broadcasting Authority surveys. He is also the winner of several journalistic awards, two of them arriving only two weeks ago for the documentary series Bijografiji, one of his creations.
In the email sent to Mr Vella from OPM, which The Malta Independent online has seen, Mr Vella is notified that his deployment on grounds of public policy has been revoked. No reason was given.
Asked to say what led to this move, Mr Vella said he could only think of it as political decision. At this stage he would not comment any further.
He said he will still anchor the last two editions of the programme on Thursday and Friday.
Popular PBS presenter Norman Vella has been ordered not to report for work at the broadcasting station as from Monday.
Contacted by The Malta Independent online, Mr Vella confirmed that he had been notified that his deployment at PBS had been revoked by the Office of the Prime Minister.
Mr Vella confirmed today he received an email from the OPM informing him that he has to return to the department where he was employed before being deployed to PBS “on grounds of public policy”.
Since October, Mr Vella has presented the daily evening programme TVHemm, which has been named as the third most popular programme after Xarabank and the drama F’Salib it-Toroq in two Broadcasting Authority surveys. He is also the winner of several journalistic awards, two of them arriving only two weeks ago for the documentary series Bijografiji, one of his creations.
In the email sent to Mr Vella from OPM, which The Malta Independent online has seen, Mr Vella is notified that his deployment on grounds of public policy has been revoked. No reason was given.
Asked to say what led to this move, Mr Vella said he could only think of it as political decision. At this stage he would not comment any further.
He said he will still anchor the last two editions of the programme on Thursday and Friday.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Norman Vella should not have attended PL Xmas party – Joe Grima
From The Malta Independent
Former Labour Minister Joe Grima took exception for the presence of journalist Norman Vella at the Labour Party Christmas reception held today at the PL headquarters.
Writing on Facebook, Mr Grima said the PL did the right thing in making no distinction among journalists and invited them all, but Norman Vella, who presents TVHemm on PBS, should not have accepted the invitation.
Former Labour Minister Joe Grima took exception for the presence of journalist Norman Vella at the Labour Party Christmas reception held today at the PL headquarters.
Writing on Facebook, Mr Grima said the PL did the right thing in making no distinction among journalists and invited them all, but Norman Vella, who presents TVHemm on PBS, should not have accepted the invitation.
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