F'xenata għall-cameras tal-ONE bdiet tgħid li wara l-press conference ta' Simon Busuttil ġiet imbuttata mill-Whip Nazzjonalista David Agius.

Ilbieraħ din il-GIDBA kienet ikkonfermata bħala GIDBA saħansitra mill-iSpeaker Anġlu Farrugia.
F'ruling l-iSpeaker iddikjara li ra l-filmati kollha provduti mill-istazzjonijiet preżenti u mkien u fl-ebda mument ma deher David Agius qrib ir-reporter tal-ONE. Aħseb u ara kemm imbuttaha!
Huwa evidenti li n-nies tal-ONE dil-ġimgħa ngħataw istruzzjonijiet ċari biex joħolqu inċident li huma jkunu l-vittmi tiegħu.
M'hemm għalfejn ngħidu li l-iskop ta' dan kollu huwa li jaljenaw in-nies mill-iskandlu ta' Panama Papers.
The NP is trying to Divide & Conquer.
ReplyDeleteIt's clear to all floaters now. Not to mention that only 3 years have passed and the NP's arrogance is still evident.
And the LP is trying to Delude and Corrupt!
Deletefirst of all who are you to talk on behalf of 'all' floaters. and secondly you are clearly a LP supporter, one of those who vote always Labour whatever they do, the likes of Valerie Borg
DeleteWhat is clear to all floaters, and maybe to some genuine labourites, is that both the PM and the Labour Government are not to be trusted at all.
DeleteAs you say only 3 years have passed and the PM and his close (very close) friends have ruined Malta. Malta has never seen this much corruption as these 3 years that they have been in power. I feel sorry for someone like because you only see PL and nothing else. Try for once in your life using you mind and what is wrong say that's it wrong from whichever end it comes. And also don't tell me because the PN did that or the other because at the last election people voted for TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY and CLEAN GOVERNANCE
DeleteNorman may I suggest that tomorrow at the demonstration everyone has his mobile at the ready to film the Super One journalists as soon as they approach them? We can then at least expose their lies on our station.
ReplyDeleteHow can you say that the PN is trying to divide and conquer when even the speaker who happens to be an pl deputy leader said that she was lying. I think that David Aguis should be the one to file a libel case and let her prove herself in court and in front of the people and they'll know where the floaters are. Is it possible they don't realize how much harm they're doing themselves with all these lies. Don't they realize that they'll only be impressing the hardliners with this tactic who will vote labour anyway, even if they're suspended head down in deep shit.
ReplyDeleteThat would be a very good idea but we must be ready not to be provoked and fall for it not with action niether with language.!!
ReplyDeleteProbably simply a case of genuine mistaken identity in the ruckus. Of course Norman Vella has to construe that as a lie just to make sure we do not naively take him for an honest politician. Thank you, Norman. Just keep imitating your idol and mentor - and add fuel to the fire.
DeleteNicole tells us about Pannama Papers please SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR PL