Mhux kuntenta bit-tweġibiet li kien qed jagħtiha Dr Busuttil, qaltlu li dak li kien qed jgħid kien 'paroli fil-vojt' (ara l-filmat hawn taħt).
U minflok marret tistaħba bil-misħija għall-pastażata li kienet għadha kif għamlet, ħassitha kburija biha u xandritha fis-servizz tal-ONE!
Hamalla u injoranta....taghmel hekk ghax ma tafx mod iehor, miskina
ReplyDeleteBarra Barra Barra issa daqshekk
ReplyDeleteI said once before Janice Bartolo isn't a professional journalist because if she were she would have known to separate her relationship with the Minister and her beliefs from her work. Also once she's in a relationship with a minister she should have stopped covering politics because of conflict of interest. Unfortunately she's one of the most ignorant and stupid person to to follow our Dr Simon Busutill in the name of being a journalist.
ReplyDeleteTa ' dawn il kummenti banali bhala zgur tiehu xi Promotion
ReplyDeleteAra vera il-baqra tinbieh kollha jghid il-Malti.