Illum l-aħbarijiet ta' TVM fetaħ bl-aħbar li sas-sajf se jitlesta x-xogħol fl-impjanti tad-drenaġġ biex l-ilma tad-drenaġġ ikun jista' jerġa jintuża minflok jintrema fil-baħar.
M'hemmx dubju li din hija l-iktar aħbar importanti li ġrat f'Malta llum - xi ħaġa li forsi se tiġri mill-inqas 4 xhur oħra!
TVM is getting closer to the era of Xandir Malta in the eighties. AS there is nothing to do because all the employees now are blackmailed by the regime I decided to boycott and do not view or listen to any of the biased TVM like we did in the eighties. Hope that all the PN supporters like my honest opinion and do the same...
ReplyDeleteOne should note that this project dates back more than 3 years ago and should have been concluded at least two years ago. WSC should start publishing again its annual report, the last one dates back to 2011. (check their website) So what have the executive directors and CEO done in these last 3 years.
ReplyDeleteNorman trid tifhem li dan il-Gvern kull ma jmur qed jurina li dik hi ir-roadmap tieghu, l-iktar bl-iskandlu tal-Panama, dik li jipprova jsaffi l-ha**