Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dokumentarju dwar Lino Spiteri

Meta Lino Spiteri kien se jagħlaq sebgħin sena, il-Professur Dominic Fenech talabni nipproduċi dokumentarju qasir dwar ħajtu. L-iskop kien li dan id-dokumentarju jintwera waqt it-tnedija tal-ktieb 'Lino: A Tribute: Festschrift in Honour of Lino Spiteri'.

Ħassejtni privileġġjat li Lino Spiteri, wieħed mill-ewwel għalliema tiegħi fil-ġurnaliżmu, għażilni biex nirrakkonta l-istorja ta' ħajtu. Għaldaqstant aċċettajt b'entużjażmu kbir.

B'narrazzjoni ta' Clare Agius u bl-għajnuna teknika tal-kumpanija li kont naħdem magħha dak iż-żmien, Where's Everybody, dan huwa l-prodott finali:

Insellimlek Lino.


  1. You Tube link:

  2. Rest in peace Lino.

  3. One can agree or disagree wth his political views, but there is no doubt in my mind that he was a gentleman, a great husband, father and grandfather. I have no doubt that he was highly intelligent and contributed in no small way to our Country's political history.

    Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. My deepest and sincere condolences to his family.
