Is-SUNDAY TIMES illum tirraporta li f'Malta qed inħallsu l-ogħla prezzijiet fl-Ewropa għall-petrol u d-diesel.
L-iktar prezzijiet għoljin wara ta' Malta ssibhom fid-Danimarka. U l-prezzijiet li nħallsu aħna huma 8 fil-mija iktar minn dawk li jħallsu d-Daniżi.
Prosit tassew lill-Ministru Konrad Mizzi.
ReplyDeleteM'ghamilx press conference fuq din?
ReplyDeleteFuq it-2 cents ghamilha!!
Le qed jaghmel press conference fuq kemm hu sod iz-zwieg
DeleteNorman, you should do a few discussions on your programme about this Mizzi and his his wife's contract with the government. You have enough material to make a series on this topic. Take pictures of his home in Fgura, his new apartment in Sliema and his alleged girlfriend at superone. You can keep the audience glued to the tv set week after week.
ReplyDeleteLe qed jaghmel press conference fuq kemm hu sod iz-zwieg